I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to better present Jessie to the few readers I have, and possibly get more along the way. One common complaint I get is that chapters are way too long, and I agree. Every chapter has been thousands and thousands of words longer than its predecessor, and that can be pretty intimidating. I know I’m guilty of opening a new tab, seeing that the blog post is too long to read, saying “screw it, I’ll read it later”, and never getting back to it. I’m pretty sure that’s what a lot of you have done as well, especially with how daunting chapter 7 was.
So, going back to Jessie’s planning origins, I’ve decided to try a little experiment. Every Wednesday, to the best of my ability, I’m going to post the next part of chapter 8, starting today with the opening scene. Each individual post will either be a closed scene or some sort of grouped off section so nobody’s left with some half-finished conversation or anything like that. Smaller sections that are easier to digest and regular posts for everyone to look forward to.
When the entire chapter is done, it’ll be compiled into a single post here like every chapter before. The full chapter will also be added to Wattpad, which won’t be getting individual parts. DeviantArt will only be getting chunks from now on since the format is better suited to the site. Jessie’s home will always be here on The Lost M.D. though so you can always find the full form here, as well as the individual parts to read as you prefer. I understand bloating out the category with posts might bury the older content, so I’m going to go through and place a link at the end of each post to its next relevant part. Don’t forget, the site’s mobile-friendly too, just sweetening the casual reading deal!
This all starts with today’s post of Chapter 8.1: The (wo)Man With The Plan. Check it out and please look forward to next week’s post, 8.2: The Fresh Prince of Pierce!
And if you’re new to the series, I know I have to re-write it, but you can start with Chapter 1: Girl’s First Day. It’s a little cringey though. Re-write will be happening sooner than later.